We welcome new students
Sign up for our classes!
First dance

We can prepare a choreography of your first dance. A dance won't ever forget.
Weekend getaways

V průběhu roku pořádáme víkendová soustředění Salsy a Bachaty a dále víkendy společenských tanců.
Dancing vacations

V červnu a srpnu pořádáme dovolené u moře s tancem. Naše destinace jsou Itálie a Kos.
Our Classes
Pick your dance
It's time to dance!
Owner and teacher
Our logo was redesigned by our students, we're glad they connected with us and became out friends.
Flame Dance is your home of dance
Owner and teacher
Tančírny a salsa párty.

Užijte si příjemný večer s přáteli, tancem a dobrou zábavou.
Gift vouchers

We will prepare a gift voucher for you according to your ideas. Choose for yourself whether for a course, private lessons, weekends or something else.
About our studio